You Shouldn’t Have To Wear a Crash Helmet In Bed

I often talk to company directors and fleet managers about workplace risk management.

When I do, I usually get one of two reactions:

Many of them become a little nervous…

and / or…

They haul out a printed org chart the size of a billboard.

And I’m then talked through a spaghetti maze of flow charts, zig-zag graphs, and mile-long chains of responsibility.

I’ve seen some BIG risk management arrangements…

Risk is a big deal.

And it needs to be.

Because nobody should go to work and face the chance of being harmed, or worse.

Risk remains a hot workplace topic. Especially in fleet management.

So, let’s go to the basics.

I’ll start with a definition.

The Risk Management Institute of Australia defines risk management as:

The systematic approach to protecting the things we care about and maximizing our chance of success in all fields of endeavor.

It’s a good definition. It’s easy to understand.

But despite its clarity, the topic of risk often makes people nervous.

And this nervousness often signals two things:

  1. Organizations are serious about risk management.
  2. They’re going to huge effort and expense to manage what they believe are their known risks.

But there’s one key thing that’s often overlooked with risk:


A lot of money is spent on risk management.

A lot of people are employed to manage risk.

These are good things.

And lots of fleet management organizations even use risk management software.

In fact, it’s possible Australia might have more software covering risk management than any other country.

And it sparks this question:

How much is enough – and how much is too much – when it comes to risk management?

Capturing the right risk-related data is important.

It helps make workplaces safe.

And it achieves legal compliance.

These are vital.

But just recording it – and recording too much data, not all of it risk-related — raises a question that isn’t always asked.

And its answer could make a big difference to how you manage risk:

How much risk are you carrying?

Knowing this lets you make the right investments and take the right steps to manage risk.

It helps you avoid under-doing it or over-doing it. And in fleet management, I tend to see a lot of it being over-done.

There are plenty of risk-related questions to consider in fleet management:

  • Have staff who operate your fleets and machinery been given correct instruction on how to operate them? Has it been given by the right people? This can apply to a 15-tonne road grader. A ride-on lawn mower. Even a garden whipper-snipper.
  • How are you storing the keys for vehicles and machinery?
  • What happens if there’s a fuel leak in your workshop?
  • There’s a tonne more.

They can all be addressed.

But it’s important to match your risk management investments with the amount of risk you carry.

How much are you spending on risk management each year? Unless you’re in a high-risk operation (such as mining fleet management), do you need expensive risk management software?

These questions are worth asking.

And your data can help guide you.

Uniqco’s Fleet Data Analytics helps users by automatically tracking key data such as:

– Utilization of mobile assets (actual use as measured in kilometres or engine hours)
– Mathematics-based optimum replacement times (using real data and physical inspections)
– Productivity (billings vs. actual use)
– Cost vs. Budget
– Maintenance failures (scheduled vs. unscheduled)
– Fuel use and ATO fuel tax claims
– Manufacturer-suggested maintenance schedules
– Risk and compliance information (stored and always available)
– And more

Knowing this data is revealing. Using it is empowering.

It lets you make better decisions affecting your organization’s finances, people and risk – and a lot more.

Many of our customers use Uniqco Fleet Data Analytics to help their risk management plans. And they can see it in their costs. Our fleet management software helps them get the Return on Investment (ROI) they need.

You can benefit from it, too. Get in touch and I can show you how.

Stay safe.
Grant Andrews
Managing Director

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